there are many Benefits of Sleep for hormone balance and women who struggle to lose weight.

As a Naturopath I am always telling my patients that getting enough sleep is key for our physical and mental wellbeing, but few people understand the importance of maintaining a consistent sleep schedule when it comes to hormonal balance and weight loss.

You see, getting enough sleep every night is crucial for hormone balance and weight loss, as well as for reducing stress levels, improving overall health, and helping you stay productive and alert.

Hereโ€™s what you need to know about why it’s so important for hormonal balance and weight loss, to make sure that youโ€™re getting quality rest each night:

1. Sleep supports healthy hormone balance

Lack of sleep elevates cortisol (the stress hormone). Because progesterone is the precursor to cortisol, elevated cortisol can reduce the production of progesterone, leaving you with an imbalance in progesterone and oestrogen. This can exacerbate hormonal conditions such PMS, PMDD or endometriosis.
2. Sleep supports a healthy weight

Sleep disturbances affect metabolism and are associated with obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. As well as the impacts on thyroid health and blood glucose metabolism, lack of sleep can affect hunger signalling. Sleep deprivation increases ghrelin, which makes you feel hungrier, and decreases leptin, which is the hormone that lets you know you’re full.ย 

3. Sleep is beneficial for managing stress levels

If you don’t get enough sleep or have an irregular sleeping pattern then this can contribute to stress perception due to higher levels of cortisol in the body. Too much cortisol can then lead to other health issues like increased blood pressure, a weakened immune system and weight gain. A lack of sleep can also carry over into other areas of life such as work performance or personal relationships.ย 

five key tips to help establish a regular sleep pattern

1. Set up an evening routineย 

Turn off electronics an hour before bed, make a herbal tea, have a warm shower, jump into bed early and read a good book. Turn off the light at the same time each night.
2. Avoid caffeine late in the day

Switch out your coffee for a herbal tea, eat an apple, drink some more water or take your B vitamins after lunch to get you through the afternoon.ย 

3. Take naps sparingly

A nap can feel AMAZING but if you’re struggling to sleep at night then give this one a miss unless absolutely necessary.

4. Avoid alcohol too close to bedtime

A glass of red to help you drift off seems like a good idea, but alcohol affects your sleep as your body has to work overtime to detox at night. If you’re waking up between 1-2am, that’s a big sign to cut back.

5. Keep electronics out of the bedroom

Blue light affects your sleep cycle by tricking your brain into thinking it’s daytime, so ditch the late-night Instagram scroll. Kick start your melatonin production naturally by getting some early morning sunshine each day. Try a 15 min walk in the morning, minus the sunglasses.

Can you now see how establishing and sticking to a consistent sleep schedule is essential for anyone looking to balance their hormones or lose weight? When you get a good nightโ€™s rest, every night, the positive health impacts ripple out across your whole life. So letโ€™s prioritise sleep from tonight on!

If youโ€™re struggling to lose weight and are ready for change, feel free to book in a discovery call to learn more about how Metabolic Balance weight loss program can help you.