about prana health

Prana is Sanskrit for the vital life-force or energy inside us all. In the physical sense, it is manifested as the breath. Breathing is a simple, subconscious process, yet it’s actions are complex and life sustaining. Achieving your best health is also an intricate process, but can become second nature with the right tools and guidance.

Let me guide you along the journey to better health!

my mission

As a mum of two young boys trying to juggle work-life balance, I know how overwhelming the demands of life can be. Having previously worked in the corporate world, I also know how demanding deadlines, budgets and KPIs are! After my second child I struggled to lose the weight – I was the same weight I was when I was full-term pregnant with my first baby, even whilst exercising. I thankfully found Metabolic Balance® and was able to shift that last 10kg – I now use this tool with most of my clients. 

My mission is to help busy women who are burnt-out, navigating hormonal changes and feeling older than their age to reclaim their vitality and feel in control of their lives once more. 

My goal is to help those people at the fork in the road – struggling with weight gain, hormonal shifts and trying to keep up with everyone at work and home – to get their health back on the right track. 

This is your gentle reminder to make your health a priority!

how can i help?

I act as your guide to better health through naturopathic consultations. My gold standard of working with you is a 12 week program, because a couple of consults won’t get you lasting results! I use nutrition & dietary changes, herbal medicine, clinical supplements, lifestyle advice and functional pathology to support you through the journey. I am also a certified Metabolic Balance® Practitioner to support you through healthy, natural, sustainable weight loss using truly personalised nutrition based on your body chemistry. Find out more about Metabolic Balance® here.

Are you ready to be empowered to take control of your health? Let me guide you through positive, incremental changes that will help you lead a healthier lifestyle and achieve long-term physical, mental and emotional well-being. Visit the Work With Me page to find out more and book your first consultation.

Meet your naturopath

georgie lane – founder & naturopath

Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy), Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy,
Bachelor of Business Management, certified Metabolic Balance® coach, member of NHAA.

how does naturopathy work?

supporting your health journey

Through naturopathic consultations, I act as your guide to better health. I use nutrition & dietary changes, herbal medicine, clinical supplements, lifestyle advice and functional pathology to support you through the journey.

nutrition & diet

Food as medicine is my first goal to help you heal. The old saying “you are what you eat” is oh so true. It comes back to truly listening to your body – how do you really feel after that packet of chips or chocolate bar at 3pm… energised or sluggish? Real, whole foods have the power to make you feel amazing and revitalised. Its not always about cutting things out, substituting them for healthier options is a great way to start. Moderation is key… you can still eat that birthday cake! 

herbal medicine

Herbs and plants have been used for thousands of years to treat and prevent illness. They contain powerful phytonutrients and active constituents. In fact, most of modern medicine is based on the chemicals originally found in plants! Many herbal prescriptions have not only longstanding traditional use but also current, evidence-based studies demonstrating their efficacy. I use both liquid and tablet forms to suit personal preferences.

clinical supplements

Sometimes the body needs a kick-start if one or more of the body systems is functioning poorly or if you have nutrient deficiencies contributing to your concerns. In this instance, clinical supplements that have been researched and trialled for efficacy are used. I use practitioner-only brands that are only available to Naturopaths and other qualified practitioners. These brands are committed to research and innovation, testing, quality of ingredients and low excipients (meaning there are no unnecessary fillers in your supplements).

lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes are a big part of the deal… you probably know you need to make some changes somewhere (a gym membership doesn’t count if you don’t use it!) but I can help guide you in the right direction. I make recommendations based on your personal circumstances and consider mental, emotional, social and environmental aspects of your wellbeing.

pathology & functional testing

Investigate functional, biochemical, nutritional, metabolic and hormonal status to support early intervention or get to the root cause of chronic disease. This provides guidance and a benchmark for treatment plans and your progress.

book your free discovery call Today

A free 10 min phone call to see how I can help with your health concerns. I am happy to answer any questions you have.

A holistic approach empowering you to take control of your health.



– Online/Telehealth via Zoom
– In person consultations in Rochedale South, QLD (address provided after booking)